Easter Eggs´Journey around the World

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2. 4. 2023

An eager explorer, Bunny Fluffy, was tasked with bringing coloured eggs and some sweets to the kids. Unfortunately, he is always on the go and only rarely can he focus on one thing. Therefore, instead of bringing treats to the kids, he got side-tracked. His attention got stolen by the prospect of sweet carrots, so he decided to hide 12 Easter eggs, together with letters from his cousins, all over the place and off he went.

The search game is intended for children who know how to write and gradually learn about geography. While this game is designed for outside play, ideally in the gardens near homes, it is also possible to adapt the game to fit the indoor setup if, for example, weather does not allow to go out.



The goal of this game is to find all the hidden eggs, read through the letters from Fluffy’s cousins and to solve the riddle. The final words from the riddle should be inscribed into the crossword puzzle. The vertical solution line of the crossword will reveal Fluffy’s current location. The sweet treasure belongs, very rightfully, to the kids.


What the game Easter eggs’ journey around the world offers:

  • The game revolves around Easter traditions in different countries all around the world. It focuses on Easter activities for kids, be it Easter egg hunt or other, interesting and exciting traditions.
  • Kids have the chance to train their focus and creativity while solving various riddles.
  • Last but not least, the simplified map allows children to learn where the countries can be found on the map.

Included in the game:

  • Introduction letter from Bunny Fluffy
  • Fluffy’s Map of Mighty Travellers
  • A4 page with a crossword
  • Goodbye letter from Bunny Fluffy
  • 12 pieces of A4 numbered pages with text and clues to help solve the riddle
  • Figure od Bunny Fluffy (to be cut out)

Ďalšie produkty od autora Etapovky - Mgr. Michaela Černá

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Easter Eggs´Journey around the World Easter Eggs´Journey around the World
An eager explorer, Bunny Fluffy, was tasked with bringing coloured eggs and some sweets to the kids. Unfortunately, he is always on the go and only rarely can he focus on one thing. Therefore, instead of bringing treats to the kids, he got side-tracked. His attention got stolen by the prospect of sweet carrots, so he decided to hide 12 Easter eggs, together with letters from his cousins, all over the place and off he went. The search game is intended for children who know how to write and gradually learn about geography. While this game is designed for outside play, ideally in the gardens near homes, it is also possible to adapt the game to fit the indoor setup if, for example, weather does not allow to go out.   WHICH IS THE GOAL OF THE GAME The goal of this game is to find all the hidden eggs, read through the letters from Fluffy’s cousins and to solve the riddle. The final words from the riddle should be inscribed into the crossword puzzle. The vertical solution line of the crossword will reveal Fluffy’s current location. The sweet treasure belongs, very rightfully, to the kids.   What the game Easter eggs’ journey around the world offers: The game revolves around Easter traditions in different countries all around the world. It focuses on Easter activities for kids, be it Easter egg hunt or other, interesting and exciting traditions. Kids have the chance to train their focus and creativity while solving various riddles. Last but not least, the simplified map allows children to learn where the countries can be found on the map. Included in the game: Introduction letter from Bunny Fluffy Fluffy’s Map of Mighty Travellers A4 page with a crossword Goodbye letter from Bunny Fluffy 12 pieces of A4 numbered pages with text and clues to help solve the riddle Figure od Bunny Fluffy (to be cut out)
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